Check out this simple way to make your own arty wrapping paper at home. An idea that will make your artworks look even more awesome than they already are!
Need to ship an artwork in pretty paper, to offer a celebratory gift or simply have the desire to make beautiful original packaging?
Look no further, I have the wrapping paper you need. And it’s awesome because there is no need to open your wallet too wide. This tip is also a perfect idea for recycling.
Arty Wrapping Paper:
If like me, you order online at GreatArt, you must have noticed that the packages are generously stuffed with kraft paper to hold all the items firmly during transport. Kraft paper (in different colours) received in all your packages. What a bargain!
I keep this kraft paper precious, for future shippings but also because I find it beautiful, thick, and full of ideas. Speaking of idea, here is one: arty wrapping paper!
You Will Need:
- Kraft Paper
- Liquitex or Daler Rowney or Amsterdam Acrylic ink (with pipette in the cap)
- I LOVE ART Indian ink + pipette
- Cardboard tray (oilcloth fabric or bubble wrap can also do the trick)
These products are currently available at GreatArt Online and can be ordered to collect from their art supply shop in London Shoreditch or delivered to your home.
Do it yourself!
- To protect my worktop, I use the cardboard lid of my last box sent from GreatArt. I love these lids, they are super disposable trays.
- Take the cardboard tray, place inside the piece of kraft paper (well wrinkled).
- Then take 2 or 3 jars of liquid paint, using the pipette, speckle the paper by dripping the paint over it.
- Depending on the thickness of the drops, drying time will be longer or shorter. I usually leave it overnight. And the next morning, the gift wrap is ready!
Top tip: to vary the size of the drops try using a toothbrush

Results In Some Pics: arty paper to pack straight out of the studio!
And to embellish everything, I use Raffia fibers (natural or coloured).
This paper wrapped gift does not go unnoticed, it has a beautiful arty effect! Make yours, and send us your pictures on Twitter or Instagram.
Information for this article was provided by professional fine artist, Amylee Paris. You can visit her colourful portfolio or follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
Find all Amylee’s posts published in GreatArt online Magazine by clicking here!
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