Holidays events and celebration are in the air. Our magazines and brochures change their look for the occasion. Thank you Amylee for this inspiring sharing.

How To Make A Christmas Tree From A Magazine?
I love to give objects a second life. And when it comes to celebrating holidays, I am always experimenting with new ideas. At least, from one year to the next, my decorations and ornaments are not the same.
Why buy Christmas things when you can make them yourself?
My Christmas Tree From Upcycling
Too much packaging is present in our daily lives, it is better to transform them to extend their use.
Recycling is a good way to avoid over-consumption, to promote a “zero waste” attitude and to help save money.
Recently, I’ve been tidying up in my studio. I found a great material to use: The old catalogues and used paper magazines from GreatArt. Yes, I do!
Every time I come back from a shopping session, I come back with one of their catalogues in my bag.
What’s more, having the loyalty card, imagine how many magazines I’ve been able to put away.
A lot… I don’t dare to count.
So I’ve got plenty of things to do to make pretty Christmas trees!
You will need
- Old magazines
- 1 box of glitter or metallic spray paint
- 1 Cléopâtre Aéro Colle Spray Adhesive
These products are currently available at GreatArt Online or in the art supply shop in London Shoreditch..
- Some little pretty things like sequins, metallic pipe cleaners, washi tape, beads.)

Receipe & Demonstration
If the magazine has a thick cover, I remove the cover. I only need to work with pages of the same thickness.
- Working flat on a table, I fold the top right corner of the first page of the magazine towards the middle of the magazine: the central axis glued or stapled (see picture 1).
- I fold the page again on the central axis (see picture 2)

- I turn my folded page, I fold up the lower part which protrudes as on picture 4.

- I hide the bottom corner inside the fold as in picture 5.

- I fold the magazine, repeating the same fold for each sheet to obtain a sort of aeroplane shape.

- I crush all the folds well to make my tree more resistant.

- I put my tree vertically and release the leaves folded around the central axis to give shape to the tree.
Pictures from my studio

My beautiful tree !

Tips for more shine
- There are several ways to make my little trees sparkle: I spray glue combined with glitter or I directly apply gold spray paint.
- I let everything dry.
Now all I have to do is find a nice place to set up my glittering trees.

- GOOD TO KNOW: By varying the size of the magazines, I create many trees of different heights.
It’s your turn!
Now you know how to create pretty Christmas trees by folding some magazines!
Don’t hesitate to share your creations and pictures on social networks by mentioning @greatart_uk so that we can admire and share them.

Content provided by Amylee Paris
The passion of Amylee Paris, painter, consultant and author is to share her paintings between galleries, art collectors and her community. Beyond her pictorial skills and her several eBooks available online, Amylee is also recognized as one of the most influential francophone artist-entrepreneurs. She helps beginners or professional artists to optimize their artistic activity.
You can visit her colourful portfolio,follow her on Facebook and Instagram, or find all Amylee’s posts published in GreatArt online Magazineby clicking here!
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