A list of the basics to make it simple for you. This will certainly be of interest to our drawing beginners.

Do you want to improve your pencil stroke and your drawing?
Improve your Skills when Drawing from Direct Observation
First and foremost, mastering drawing is a matter of observation. A common mistake made by drawing beginners is to transcribe on paper what they think they know instead of what they see. In academic drawing, the hand is an extension of the eye.
In freehand drawing, a quick sketch should be seen as a graphic exploration. Imagination has no place in observational drawing, you must remain faithful to its subject. The draftsman is there to discover the model in its smallest details.

Drawing Tools
- graphite pencil HB and B
- eraser
- A Study & Sketch paper pad
- subjects to be studied (photo or live model)
How do you Start?
Quick movements generally take away from the precision.
When you sketch, inaccuracies should not worry you as they are simple graphic captures.
If you wants to acquire ease, you must go for it, draw a LOT, make mistakes, practice for hours, and draw a lot. Oh yes, I’ve already said that?
The lines are going to intersect, superimpose, tilt, align themselves along axes, structure, dissociate the planes between them, and model the shadows. All this without changing tools. Isn’t it magic?
TOP TIP: It’s better to forget everything you learned at school. The more or less ample gestures of our random colouring can disturb the balance of our first drawings.

Pencil Drawing Techniques: Tips To Sharpen Your Skills
- select different lead hardnesses (dry H, coarse B, charcoal)
- sketch the subject to suggest the structure and forms of the composition
- work fast without fear of failure
- differentiate proportions, planes, masses, and volumes in the image
- distinguish tones and shadows to elaborate and detail the drawing
- densify the contrasts with different types of layouts
- follow the shape and contours to create relief
- delimit illuminated areas with light, spaced hatching
- adjust dark areas with tight, pressed hatching
- play with textures, hatch spacing and graphic effects
- Play with the inclination of the tip and the pressure exerted on the pencil.

GOOD TO KNOW: The greater the pressure on the pencil tip, the greater the intensity of the stroke.

Content provided by Amylee Paris

The passion of Amylee Paris, painter, consultant and author is to share her paintings between galleries, art collectors and her community. Beyond her pictorial skills and her several eBooks available online, Amylee is also recognized as one of the most influential francophone artist-entrepreneurs. She helps beginners or professional artists to optimize their artistic activity.
You can visit her colourful portfolio,follow her on Facebook and Instagram, or find all Amylee’s posts published in GreatArt online Magazineby clicking here!
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