The Best Glues for Framing

Do you need to frame, produce marouflage or use glue in your studio?
Here are 4 glues that will suit all your creative needs.
Welcome To Cléopâtre
Since the 1930s, the Cléopâtre brand has been making glues for children and adults. You know, the famous glue with the orange cap, the one that brings back so many memories thanks to its sweet almond scent?
In the school world, Cléopâtre offers a wide range of glues and of course acrylic paints, gouaches and drawing inks. But Cléopâtre is also the world of creative leisure for adults with glues, varnishes, resins, paints, and WePAM (modelling porcelain).

Cléopâtre has developed a range of adhesives specially designed for all types of framing and paper mounting work. Here are my top 4!

1/ Cléo’Cadre
Cléo’Cadre is a white vinyl glue with a neutral PH created for framing, cardboard and bookbinding. It glues paper, thick paper, cardboard and wood. Once dry, the glue is translucent and irreversible.
Its drying time is long and allows more scope for complex creations that require time.
GREAT TO KNOW : The large pots are convenient for using a roller. These products are currently available at GreatArt Online or in the art supply shop in London Shoreditch..

2/ Bio’Cadre Powder
Bio’Cadre Powder is a chemically neutral (PH neutral), odourless and non-toxic tylose powder. It is perfect for small assemblies, book restoration, gluing tabs or light papers such as Japanese papers.
This powder makes it possible to produce a glue with a low concentration of tackifier. The mixture produces a very soft viscous glue, which becomes transparent when drying.
GREAT TO KNOW : Mix the powder with 1 to 2% hot water depending on the desired thickness (e.g. 3 to 6 teaspoons in 1 litre). Drying is quite slow and the glue remains irreversible even when dry.
3/ Bio’Cadre Pro
Bio’Cadre Pro is a ready-to-use starch adhesive based on potato dextrin extract (PH neutral). It is used for bonding light materials, restoration, repair, lining and delicate bonding.
It can be diluted with water to obtain a more fluid viscosity or mixed with tylose powder for faster use.
GREAT TO KNOW : This adhesive has a fairly long drying time and is reversible with water. It can be stored between 15 and 30°C and can be used from 3 to 6 months after opening.
4/ Cléo’Cadre Pro
The extra strong version; Cléo’Cadre Pro is ideal for framing, mounting and binding on all types of media (soft or hard). It is a thick, odourless glue that leaves a supple, translucent film after rapid drying.
It does not warp the paper, does not yellow and remains very resistant. The 500g pot is appreciated by professionals in the fine arts, museums, creative hobbies and artists to work on paper, cardboard, bristol board, wood, etc. ….

GREAT TO KNOW : Spread the Cléo’Cadre Pro glue evenly with a brush. Be careful not to apply too much glue, as this would lengthen the drying time and risk piercing or even staining the paper. Glue the rigid and thick support first to prevent the soft support from deforming.
The Wink Label
In 2021, Cléopâtre has done me the great honour of illustrating the labels of their framing glues with a photo of one of my paintings.

If you look closely at the left-hand corner of each label, you will notice that my name “Amylee Paris” appears on picture as an example.
Thanks again to Cléopâtre for this nice wink which really touches me!

Content provided by Amylee Paris
The passion of Amylee Paris, painter, consultant and author is to share her paintings between galleries, art collectors and her community. Beyond her pictorial skills and her several eBooks available online, Amylee is also recognized as one of the most influential francophone artist-entrepreneurs. She helps beginners or professional artists to optimize their artistic activity.
You can visit her colourful portfolio,follow her on Facebook and Instagram, or find all Amylee’s posts published in GreatArt online Magazineby clicking here!
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