Hobbies and Other Techniques
DIY Greeting Cards: The Importance of saying Thank You

DIY Greeting Cards: The Importance of saying Thank You

Ship a Thank you note with your orders

“Little words are stronger than long speeches! Consider it for your next order.”
Thank you Amylee, for this helpful topic!

You have to send a piece of art to a customer soon? Great, congratulations! When sending an artwork, the artist’s mission is not only to satisfy but to mark the mind of the receiver. An artist’s work is always a source of joy and and a chance to share. So, do not disappoint. The parcel must arrive on time, well packed, and showing all the gratitude the artist has for their customer.

Think to say thank you:

An easy, outstanding and (especially) very cheap technique, a thank you is essential in any correspondence. It would be a real shame to not have the right reponse.

DIY Greeting Cards: The Importance of saying Thank You

Why say Thank you?

  • express gratitude (showing kindness)
  • trigger an emotion (a strong positive impact for those who receive it).
  • build good trust (strengthen your reputation as an artist).
  • create a bond (making you want to repeat the experience).
  • show the artist is human (and not a big commercial machine).
  • make them smile (lowers cortisol, the stress hormone that activates during unpacking).
  • have impeccable customer service (with guaranteed ‘Wow effect’).

How to create this amazing effect?

Simply by paying attention to small details. The presentation counts deeply in correspondence. Take the time to create a sensitive and quality image of you.

  • WRITE IT! The simplest, least expensive and most personalized kind of attention that can be added to a package is a handwritten note adorned with the magic words THANK YOU. Do not forget to use the customer’s first name, followed by a warm message and a signature.

DIY Greeting Cards: The Importance of saying Thank You
DIY Greeting Cards: The Importance of saying Thank You

  • PERSONALIZE IT! I like adding a small smiley or small drawing (often flowers) made by hand on the packaging, it indicates that I took pleasure in preparing the parcel.

DIY Greeting Cards: The Importance of saying Thank You
Bubble wrap, cardboard, kraft paper and a lovely illustrated wink before adding everything into the shipping box.

  • BE AMAZING! Depending on the amount of the order or the loyalty of the customer, I sometimes include small goodies in my shipping box.

E.g: decorative, handmade paper ornaments (like origami), several printed postcards, a dedicated picture, a small watercolour on paper ready to frame, a printed book, or a complimentary frame (already installed on the painting).

DIY Greeting Cards: The Importance of saying Thank You
Goodies that sometimes come to be added to the package

The necessary materials for home-made notes:

When art collector customers order from an artist, they expect creativity, authenticity and sincerity. No need to use an overpriced communication to thank them, the little home-made card always has more power than a simple printed note.
Here are some materials that will help you to illustrate your gratitude. Feel free to pick from the list of ideas:

DIY Greeting Cards: The Importance of saying Thank You
Most of these products are currently available at GreatArt Online and can be ordered to collect from their art supply shop in London Shoreditch or delivered to your home.

Some results in pictures:

I really like picking out ready-to-use card sets. FOLIA boxes usually contain cards with or without cut aperture, envelopes, glitter, glue and so on.

DIY Greeting Cards: The Importance of saying Thank You
DIY Greeting Cards: The Importance of saying Thank You
NOTE: The main thing is to make your illustration on thick paper according to the size of the card, then slide it into the card and then in its own envelope!

DIY Greeting Cards: The Importance of saying Thank You

Information for this article was provided by professional fine artist, Amylee Paris. You can visit her colourful portfolio or follow her on Facebook and Instagram

Find all Amylee’s posts published in GreatArt online Magazine by clicking here!

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