Art Societies
Lerryn Art Group

Lerryn Art Group

Lerryn Art Group

A small group meeting in a beautiful riverside setting…

When it was originally formed 10 years ago, Lerryn Art Group’s was made up of a small number of people who were interested in painting. They started out meeting in one another’s homes to paint but as they started to expand and attract more members they formed a proper constitution and program and now come together at the Lerryn Memorial Hall, a beautiful setting close to the river which is surely a great source of artistic inspiration. They meet every other Tuesday to learn, practise painting, drawing and allied arts and the meetings provide a friendly and supportive environment for artists of all levels. They even have their own resident cat, a furry little art lover who visits regularly and is often found perched on peoples laps or benches whilst they work.
After a successful application, they were very fortunate to have received funding from the program ‘Awards for All’ to help pay for professional tuition and put towards venue rental and equipment. The gift vouchers they have won from the GreatArt Art Clubs prize draw will also be a welcomed donation to replenish their supply of art materials. They arrange quarterly tutorial sessions where members can learn and be guided by professional artists, occasionally they will also show DVD demonstrations, but most of the time members are encouraged to explore their own styles and interests in a range of mediums with support from their fellow art group members.
Lerryn Art Group
In recent years, the group has held an exhibition of their work in the local area, which attracts a good number of visitors and sales. They also raise a substantial amount of money for different charities. Theses exhibitions are held in August at the Drill Hall, which is very kindly made available by Bill Needs.
Lerryn Art Group

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