Date / Time
Date(s) - 11/05/2019 - 13/05/2019
All day
Out of the Blue Drill Hall
The worlds largest Twitter organise charity art exhibition comes to Scotland!
More than 1,000 original postcard sized artworks will go on sale at Out of the Blue Drill Hall, 11-13 May to raise much needed funds for Scottish charity, and GreatArt partner, Art in Healthcare.
The brainchild of David Sandum, a Norwegian based Swedish artist, the phenomenon aptly called TwitterArtExhibit (TAE) was set into motion 9 years ago, each year raising money for different charities around the world. TAE is an online charity art postcard sale promoted primarily through Twitter, and now attracts professional and amateur artists from across the globe who donate small original postcard artwork for sale. This year TAE has attracted work from over 1,000 artists from 65 countries and will be supporting Art in Healthcare who bring visual art and art workshops to people in the Scottish healthcare system.
All cards are available for sale during the exhibition at Out of the Blue Drill Hall 11-13 May and subsequently online at Cards are priced at £30 each or 4 for £100 making this original works of art affordable for all.
Exhibition Opening Times
Saturday 11th May – 17:30 – 20:30
Sunday 12th May – 10:00 – 16:00
Monday 13th May – 10:00 – 17:00
Online sale commences Monday 13th May
To find out more about Twitter Art Exhibit visit their website.