I’m Megan an Abstract Artist from Nottingham. Within the walls of my own home I have created a small but beautiful studio to paint from. Using Acrylic Paints, different mediums and a touch of gold or silver leaf, I aim to create paintings that are both visually and emotionally captivating.
Inspiration for my work is drawn upon by blending my love for Yoga and allowing the creative process to become a meditative practice for me. I do this by using a pallet knife and slowly building up the texture over a series of weeks. I hope to infuse a sense of calm and tranquility into my paintings to bring a piece of serenity into every home. The paintings are tactile with intricate detail which are often best appreciated in person.
My canvas of choice is always an XL stretched block canvas and I particularly enjoy the challenge of working on a big scale. I find the best thing about these canvases is they look great whether framed or unframed.
I love blending a mix of different brand paints together as they all offer something unique. Whether it’s a full bodied paint which leaves a glossy finish, or a Winsor and Newton with brilliant depth of colour, I enjoy mixing them to add different levels of interest within the work.
For my Easel I find a convertible one works best for me. It’s great to be able to work on the canvas in a both flat and upright position depending on what I stage I am at with it.
I have been painting full time now for almost 3 years and It has not only provided me with a sense of freedom but Art has encouraged me to look and appreciate everything in so much more detail.
My Great Art Top Picks to creating Abstract Art are;
• Gerstaecker Studio XL Stretched Block Canvases
• Liquitex Professional Heavy Body Acrylic Paint
• Winsor & Newton Artists Acrylic Paint
• Pébéo Studio Modelling Paste
• Mabef M07 Studio Easel
Instagram: @artist.megan
Website: meganhattonart.co.uk
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