How To Create A Happiness Jar for an Artist?
Many people around me think that reading or writing down inspirational phrases is something futile.
And yet, words have a real impact on our brain, our behaviour, our emotions and the way we perceive life events.
With time and reading, I have gathered a lot of knowledge on the subject. I am sharing one of them with you today. A method to start the day with the radiant energy of certain words that it is good to embody in the cosy cocoon of our artist studio!
The Weight of Words
The artist who embarks on a professional career does not always receive the support of those closest to him. Unfortunately, the trials and tribulations of the journey will be difficult for artist who advances without support.
The simple solution is to integrate a meaningful process (generated by thought or intention) into their development to generate creative results.
Words are incredibly powerful frequencies. You can actually make them a practice that makes a difference.
Reading, writing, receiving, listening or speaking words repeatedly can block us, revolt us, torment us, give us wings, seduce us, motivate us when we are in a phase of doubt or lack of energy at the art studio.
Quotes, mantras, motivational phrases, positive thoughts, proverbs, wisdom tales… Depending on your life path, your past experiences, some affirmations will resonate more than others and will simply open you up to possibilities. Listen to yourself!
My Routine As A Fine Artist
I like to surround myself with words and I collect them without moderation. That’s why I have whole notebooks full of beautiful thoughts. It does me good to archive vibrant and energising phrases that resonate with me.
This year, 2022, I have set up a morning routine.
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I would like to make it clear that I am not advocating a Care Bear approach to life. I am simply inviting artists to surround themselves with comforting words to ease their negative psychic terrain, to get closer to themselves and thus become aware that something better is always within their reach.
Do You Know Happiness Jar?
My jar is an exceptional tool for cultivating optimism and artistic fulfilment. Don’t hesitate to use it as inspiration to start your day in the studio or office.
I have decided to share my tutorial with you. The recipe below may be of personal interest to you or perhaps to an artist in your circle who will be happy to receive this ready-to-use jar as a gift.
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I got the idea from reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Eat, Pray, Love”. She set up her happiness jar many years ago. Her concept helped me to develop and refine my tutorial.
You Will Need
- 1 empty jar
- Several sheets of A4 paper
- Scissors
- Coloured pencils or markers (depending on the thickness of the paper)
- 1 black marker with fine point (if you need to write by hand)
- 1 graphite pencil
- 1 flat ruler
- several straws

Happiness Jar Tutorial – Amylee’s picture
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You can find a great range of paints in GreatArt store in Shoreditch (London) or on GreatArt.co.uk online shop.
DIY : Recipe To Follow
By following this tutorial, you will set up a caring routine to welcome your day.
A light and serene state of mind allows you to intensely engage your creativity.
- STEP 1 : Take a graphite pencil and a ruler and draw lines on the paper to divide it into boxes of the same size. (This step can be done on a computer combined with a printer).

Happiness Jar Tutorial – Amylee’s picture
- STEP 2 : Write inspirational words or phrases in each box. Writing or drawing helps to anchor positive thoughts in the brain and especially in the memory.
Happiness Jar Tutorial – Amylee’s picture
- STEP 3 : Turn the sheets over, grab your pencils and markers and start drawing inspirational pictures, pictograms, patterns and colours all over the paper.

- STEP 4 : Using scissors, cut out the boxes to make independent labels.
- Still using the scissors, cut the straw into separate rings a few millimetres wide.

Happiness Jar Tutorial – Amylee’s picture
- STEP 5 : Roll up each piece of paper and hold the small roll with a ring.

Happiness Jar Tutorial – Amylee’s picture

Happiness Jar Tutorial – Amylee’s picture
- STEP 6 : Carefully place your rolls in the jar
- Finish the last step by shaking the jar and it will be ready for the draw tomorrow morning.
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Another tip is that you can enhance this tutorial by customising your jar with paints and designs added to the sides or lid of the jar. I quite like the shape of my glass jar, so I will keep its original appearance in this demonstration.
Happiness Jar Tutorial – Amylee’s picture

Pick your own luck at random and let the charm work!
- Each morning, pick a small scroll from the jar.
- Remove the ring and read the inscription aloud.
- Breathe in the words, visualise them, feel the power they give off and keep in mind only the words that make you grow and develop better. By understanding their meaning better, they will help you take your first steps towards the life of an artist that resembles you; joyful, free and serene. Don’t underestimate the importance of words, especially if you make a habit of imbibing them.
- Then, at the end of the day, analyse the influence that these words have had on you.

Happiness Jar Tutorial – Amylee’s picture
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Through this small daily routine, do not try to deny the negative but rather observe the thoughts and emotions that arise while accepting that everything has a place in this world. Consider that difficulties are opportunities to learn, to awaken, and that reading about the positive increases your opportunities to attract the positive.
Content provided by AmyleeParis

The passion of Amylee, fine artist and author is to share her paintings between galleries, art collectors and her community. Amylee is also recognized as one of the most influential French artist-entrepreneurs. Since 2009 she has mentored thousands of visual artists guiding them to thriving their art career.
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You can visit her colourful portfolio, her Instagram, or find all Amylee’s posts published in GreatArt online Magazineby clicking here!
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