Hobbies and Other Techniques
Working with Zentangle

Working with Zentangle

The Zentangle Method is contagious and the trend continues to expand on social media!

20 Best Principles of Zentangle Success

Zentangle allows anyone to quickly create black-and-white illustrations that are beautiful abstract or semi-abstract graphic doodles. If you’re interested, I have explained the origins of the Zentangle in the following article: Zentangle Art: History & Concept 

Zentangle® Kit:

You will need:

  1. Thick paper tiles, “Velin” quality. These tiles can be white, black or brown kraft. Personally I quite like the sets of ready to use tiles from MICRON SAKURA.
  2. Depending on the colour of the tile, I use an ink pen of different a colour (black, white, sepia).
  3. I settle in a quiet place.

GOOD TO KNOW – The tiles have hand-cut edges and rounded corners to enhance the overall appearance of the mosaic.

Get Started with Zentangle®:

  1. For your first try, you can use a graphite pencil to place your first layers before you’re confident enough to use black pen.
  2. I draw a straight or curvy line.
  3. I continue by repeatedly circling my shape. Any drawing started has to be finished (5 to 20 minutes). We do not return to a Zentangle.
  4. When I have several tiles finished, I organize them into mosaics.

GOOD TO KNOW – “Mistakes” are different starting points for creating a new pattern. Do not erase to start again.

20 Best Principles of Zentangle®:

  1. choose a quiet place to “zentangle”
  2. easy-to-learn, relaxing, and a fun way to create beautiful images
  3. work on small paper tiles (3.5 inch side) or in a Zentangle journal
  4. create on square tiles, triangles “3Z” tiles or circular “Zendalas” tiles
  5. try pencil to place dots, strings, or light touchs
  6. try a Molotow, Pigma Micron Sakura or Pitt Faber-Castell black pen
  7. Choose thin and strong tips B, S, M to trace and soft brush tips to colour
  8. draw two-colour patterns composed of straight or curvy lines
  9. design abstract or semi-abstract drawings spontaneously
  10. draw lines and borders and avoid using an eraser
  11. Avoid the rule only to draw the tile before cutting if you use a large piece of paper
  12. practise a freehand pattern repeatedly
  13. no predefined reading direction
  14. create an “all-over” or white edge around zentangle
  15. remember to let go, do not expect a particular final result
  16. Put your initials on the front of the paper tile and on the other side, sign and date
  17. create mosaics with multiple finished tiles
  18. appreciate the feelings of gratitude, appreciation and the good feeling of artistic success
  19. helps to unlock creativity
  20. access an advanced meditative state
3 different tips for infinite possibilities

These products are currently available at GreatArt Online or in the art supply shop in London Shoreditch..

GOOD TO KNOW – On social networks, there is a beautiful community associated with Zentangle, do not hesitate to join the “Zentangle Lovers” if need advice or inspiration.

Inspirations and examples:

This new content was provided by professional fine artist, Amylee Paris. You can visit her colourful portfolio or follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

GREAT TO KNOW – Find all Amylee’s posts published in GreatArt online Magazine by clicking here!

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  • Amylee Paris is miles of course regarding Zentangle. It is not a rocess for making illustrations. It is none representational. She is describing an extension known as Zentangle Inspired Art, in which the zentangle method has been overlaid upon other graphic processes. You should seek out a literate Certified Zentagle Teacher to the eight steps to this calming, contemplative drawing method which was originated by calligrapher Maria Thomas amd Rick Roberts.