A post that will definitely make you smile. So like Amylee, share your little victories of daily life!
My Little Victories as an Artist
As an artist you can often be less excited or less willing to paint or create. You can stress about anything, but luckily, little victories illuminate daily life and increase the levels of dopamine of the brain (the hormone of happiness).
I’m sure that, you too, enjoy those moments of pure pleasure where you want to say “Woooah, I’m winning!”
Reading this kind of article gives everyone reason to smily, not just the creative ones. So, let’s take advantage of it and share our little victories!
- Apply a solid layer of acrylic paint without any brush marks – Pleasure!
- Remove a stencil and to reveal the results – Sublime!
- Recycle cardboard to make a shipping box for a painting – Too beautiful!
- Make a clean, straight cut in foam board – Perfect!
- Find some bubble wrap (in good condition) on the pavement before the garbage truck – Lucky!
- Discovering my box of pastels that I thought was lost – Thank you!
- Hear my favourite music on the radio – Special dedication!
- Receive a package from GreatArt – It’s Christmas!
- Remove the seal from a bottle of varnish – Classy !
- Succeed in throwing a paper ball into the bin first time – Tony Parker, here I am!
- Hang a painting on the wall perfectly the first time – I’m the boss!
- Quickly remove a hair from fresh varnish with your fingers – Applause!
- Find your phone before it stops ringing – Well done!
- Slip on a brush but manage to stay standing – Too strong!
- Create super cells with Acrylic Pouring – Magical!
- Being fast enough to catch a canvas falling from it’s leaning position – X Men Style!
- Tidy your shelves and organize the rainbow colours – Rainbow Brite!
- Create to-do lists to unload your brain – bye bye stress!
- Highlight with Stabilo Neon all your finished tasks throughout the day – that’s it!
- Receive a positive response for an exhibition – I believe I can fly!
Some victories have the power to change the way of life and others just to make our daily lives more enjoyable. These successes bring more self-confidence and satisfaction, and definately make life feel much lighter!
Most of these products are currently available at GreatArt Online or in their art supply shop in London Shoreditch..
From your side
And now, I am curious to know those what makes you happy … Do not hesitate to share them in the comments below.
Information for this article was provided by professional fine artist, Amylee Paris. You can visit her colourful portfolio or follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
GREAT TO KNOW – Find all Amylee’s posts published in GreatArt online Magazine by clicking here!
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Dopamine is definitely the best send-up! Those little triumphs certainly made me smile, and being aware of and celebrating them is a good way not to be discouraged on the steep climb up the never-ending learning curve.