Creativity awakened and ideas multiplied! Thank you Amylee for this new idea!
My Favourite Way To Use A Creative Box!
Do you want to create something new or are you looking for new ideas?
You are in the right place. This post will help you grow your ideas and provide you with a solution to improve your creative mind.
Today, artists and entrepreneurs need to be reactive and even proactive to cope with ‘block’ or a lack of ideas. I am confronted with this challenge daily, so I offer my easy solution to boost your creativity!
Stop the confusion, put the good ideas in place. Every concept is very often the evolution of something existing. Yes, it’s a bit like Pokemon!
Creative thinking is not about generating “never seen” creations, but about using the « already existing » and developing it in different ways.
Did you not notice how innovative ideas often take inspiration from previous creations?
Evolution is on the move. It is the gradual transition from one state to another! Pichu becomes Pikachu and then Raichu (Oops I fell back into Pokemon, sorry…)
I’m just saying that all your little creations serve you and help you to progress, some can even give you beautiful evolutions.
There is a nice way to recycle creations and artworks when you suffer “a lack of evolution”.
CREATIVE BOX: the essential tool, the useful method, the faithful friend of all creative minds.
Inexpensive to set up, this box helps you find easy and better ideas.
- to collect and bring together inspiring artworks in one place
- it helps me develop new associations between ideas
- inspire me using existing, past creations
- help me be productive, efficient and quickly innovative
- to optimize my creative process
GOOD TO KNOW: well protected in my box, I keep my sketches, calligraphy essays, inspirational quotes, picturesl or graphic drawings that deserve to be preserved, pretty decorative papers, small ornaments, in a nutshell anything that can be recycled or help me with the development of future creations.
This box is inspired by the game box. It can be made with:
· A cardboard box or plastic box :
· A big ring binder
Simple Binder (for inst. white) or Artist book (for inst. black)
· An archive box
Foldable archive box – black storage box – “Snap n Store” box foldable with press studs.
Most of these products are currently available at GreatArt Online or in their art supply shop in London Shoreditch.
I add to my box as and when my artistic nature flows or I find something I think deserves to be preserved. Whenever I need to, I delve in and look at what the box has to offer. I rediscover, I associate, I move from one state to another, I create.
GOOD TO KNOW: Creativity is the ability to imagine or do something new with old things. The more I feed my creativity, the quicker it activates when I open my box.
I regularly use my creative box for goodies that I use in my art promotion: to make a card, a label, a collage from a newspaper for my artbook. These artworks are waiting for a final creation!
My favourite box : the flat storage box.
The plain black is a bit sad so I have redecorated my box.
GOOD TO KNOW: Offered in a variety of sizes and thickness, the storage box can be stored like a book on a shelf. The A3 format is quite practical for large drawings.
Come on, start your own boxes!
Information for this article was provided by professional fine artist, Amylee Paris. You can visit her colourful portfolio or follow her on Facebook and Instagram.
GREAT TO KNOW – Find all Amylee’s posts published in GreatArt online Magazine by clicking here!
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