Art Societies
Harrow Art Society

Harrow Art Society

Harrow Art Society

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The oldest surviving art society in the Harrow area…

The 2011 autumn exhibition of the Harrow Art Society’s showed a very diverse range of techniques, including some wonderful traditional paintings and drawings, as well as some excellent pottery, sculpture and ceramics. The society includes many talented artists but welcomes those of all levels in the hope that they can help inspire them to develop the artistic skills they have and encourage them to submit their pieces for exhibition. Their submission is completely open so artists of all levels; beginners, leisure artists and professionals, are persuaded to hang their pieces and potentially sell their work.
Harrow Art Society
The Harrow Art Society was originally founded in 1934, and is the oldest surviving art society in the area. Although there were some breaks drawing the war years, they have exhibited continuously for a long period of time. They currently hold two exhibitions per year, one in the spring and one in the autumn at the Stanmore Library and also the Arts Centre at Hatch End, and also receive support from local businesses who promote the work and exhibitions in their shop windows to those passing by.
The society comes together once or twice a month between October and July to take part in workshops, lectures and demonstrations. They also hold competitions, social events and appraisals to discuss each other’s work and offer encouragement or suggestions. The society’s website is also a well accomplished online community and has an excellent member’s gallery where pages are available to all members to help promote their work and own individual events and exhibitions. This is another excellent way in which the society encourages members to promote their talents and artwork. They can also share tips and techniques with each other online as further support to their fellow members and artists.
Harrow Art Society
You can visit their website at where you will find the available member gallery pages and information about how to become a member.

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